Hannah’s Facebook Assault

Hannah’s Facebook Assault

It is not always easy to write these blogs, especially in the case of Elliott’s wife, Hannah, because there so much about her that is stereotypical, crass and negative. She leaves herself open for critiquing which makes you feel like a bully, but she learns nothing from my rebuttals. If it were not that she is so malicious in her intent I would have to curtail my remarks but she is a horrible, predictable and nasty person so I find leniancy difficult. The following is a string of messages between us on Facebook. She never let’s anything go and jumps from one topic to another, so it is a long string of messages.  She is not the sharpest tool in the shed so she makes mountains out of molehills and her values are suspect made worse by her lack of knowledge and understanding of scriptures and the plan of Salvation.

Written on 9 July at 17.55   


My Altercation with Hannah Smart

Derek Smart

I rarely comment on the cruel nature of two of my children for stopping us from seeing our grandchildren, but I feel Kay’s pain, along with my own, on mile stone events during the year. Today is one of those dates. It is Kay’s baby boys birthday. She had a tough time giving birth to Elliott and had to conclude that he was to be our last spirit to bring to earth. He had always been my best friend. She pretty much spoilt him and then, out of the blue, and with no genuine reason, he excluded us from his family, which may have been a copycat thing as his eldest brother did exactly the same. It is an act of cruelty and a direct contradiction to the commandment of loving one and honouring your mother and your father, which used to have a minimum consequences of stopping you from taking the sacrament or going to the temple as it makes a mockery of the commandments of God. at the very least. That has not stopped them though. Maybe they have a special dispensation. But Kay could not go to church today as she was upset about not knowing why he has excluded us, and 2 of his brothers and sister from his family. Maybe his wife has the problem with us so has caused the exclusion. Some women who were raised differently to there spouse do not like to change. I love Kay with all of my heart and mind and soul. She is my Raison Detra but I would not exclude her from seeing or having a relationship with her mother. But that is our lot. I have offered my Olive Branch’s for doing nothing and they have cordially given it back to me, along with the birthday cards and presents we sent them. Consequently, we do not do that anymore. But it has pissed me off to hear Kay crying in her bedroom because of the cruel nature of her son and his refusal for her to see her grandchildren, not forgetting that his wife has a calling in the church teaching our children, is this a part of her curriculum. Exclude thy parents from your life. Because my grandchildren have been taught well, they rarely talk to us because they are not allowed to and when they do they are constantly looking around to see if there parents are looking. It is not right that a woman of nearly 70 should be kept away from her grandchildren and for those grandchildren to be brain washed to think we are bad people. We are not and we love our grandchildren so give Kay back her right to be with her grandchildren.

Hannah Smart First Contact 9th July

I simply cannot just sit around and watch you continually spread false information about myself and Elliott anymore. Your victim complex is becoming intolerable. I have an album in my phone with over 40 screenshots of abusive messages that you have solely sent to me. This doesn’t even include the ones you’ve sent directly to Elliott or his siblings. If you’d like me to share a specific screen shot of a message that you sent to Elliott stating that from that time forward, you were denying him access to yourself and Kay I can? Or would you like to keep on trying to convince everyone that you are simply the victim here?

Derek Smart

Let us set a precedence here. Most of what you say here is either a total fabrication, an assumption you have turned into a fact, or a vile unnecessary insult. Secondly, I am a victim of your choices. I want to see my grandchildren but you will not allow me to. I am your victim

Never once have I denied my children the opportunity to speak to you. At that time Isaac brought Kay a picture he drew in church. That was because I suggested she might like it. The times they brought mothers and Father’s Day tokens from primary directly to you? That was because I told them to. So, if you could stop lying about me that would be grand. Last year Elliott was holding our baby in the corridor, and you approached him simply to have a go at him, Infront of everyone might I add. Did you even try talking to the baby that you imply you miss so much? No, you didn’t. Because your priority has always been to be right.

Derek Smart

Putting these events into context, they are all congregational events. Not complying would make you look mean and nasty. You are already under scrutiny so you do not want that.

Do we allow you in our house? No. We do not. Because you have proven time and time again just how toxic you can be. I added you on Facebook over Christmas last year. Do you know why? Because it was Christmas and it made me sad that we couldn’t have everyone together. And I thought, maybe since you’d been coming to church maybe you had been trying to be better. So, I added you and had a check to see if you had written any of your lovely statuses about us. And you hadn’t! So, I thought that was it. We could reach out to you. Then you behaved Infront of your other grandchildren the way you did on Boxing Day. Then you sent those long abusive messages you like to your other children. Then came the statuses, now that you knew I could see them. The abuse. The victim complexes. And you proved to me one more time that you had not changed at all. So, no. You are not welcome in our lives. Neither is your influence. Now you can say that goes against the church doctrine but for one, I frankly do not care. We will not allow are children to experience how toxic you can be. And for two, elder Holland recently said that forgiving someone does not require you to allow someone back into your life, should that open you up to receiving abuse again.

No, of course you do not want us and our influence in your home. Your best work is done without us there. It is funny, my other grandchildren do not frequent Facebook, do yours? No, of course not. That is the kind of thing you say to make people look bad. Subtle in your sadism. If you have a victim complex it is because of the guilt you feel for the hurt you inflict on others. It is satisfying to hear you say “I frankly do not care” because it show your true colours, you do not care. 

Derek Smart

We don’t have to go back to toxic situations or harmful relationships to completely forgive. But forgiving others and forsaking resentment will bring us true happiness found only through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

You have your agency to choose contention or reconciliation. I urge you to choose to be a peacemaker, now and always, fault-finding, and evil speaking of others are all too common. Too many pundits, politicians, entertainers, and other influencers throw insults constantly. I am greatly concerned that so many people seem to believe that it is completely acceptable to condemn, malign, and vilify anyone who does not agree with them. Many seem eager to damage another’s reputation with pathetic and pithy barbs!

If you always end up in bitter confrontation when debating a particular topic then you should avoid the topic and debate something else is what he was saying not that you should give them the “silent treatment” that is condemned by the Prophet in the same conference. 

Now you can complain that Elliott doesn’t speak to Steven, but have you complained to Steven that he was the one who blocked Elliott and cut him out? Don’t think so. You can complain that we don’t send Alma a birthday card, but will you complain to Donny that he’s never sent any of our children a birthday card? Don’t think so. The thing is, you are a massive narcissist with a raging personality disorder. And unless someone is doing exactly what you want them to, and how you want them to do it, then you see them as being against you. You recruit your little flying monkeys to validate your actions and behaviour and carry out your tasks and only those free from your cloud can see it. Cutting you out of lives is not an attack on you, but self-preservation for us.

Derek Smart

Two wrongs does not make a right. You condone Elliott’s bad behaviour by saying that Steven has acted badly as well. Then comes the unprovoked insults that you are so proficient at, and then the amateur diagnosis of my mental state and your ill thought out assumptions. Cutting us out of your lives is essential for your complete control of Elliott.

Derek’s Comment at the Time

Hannah Smart I do not know how to answer you. You are so rude and unkind. You seem unaware of the entire Plan of Salvation. Most of it is outright lies and exaggerations. To answer your wild claims and exaggerations would render me as bad as the words you write. You accuse me of so much drivel whilst you send me a letter full of jealousy and hatred. I am a very sick man the reasons of which is, in no small part, yours. You carelessly sin knowing the potential consequences that put my grandchildren at risk. You are putting your marriage at risk by making Elliott choose between his parents or you. You need professional help that is way beyond anything that I am capable of. I am too old and sick for this. I have Alzheimer so I will someday forget who you all are and the pain that you seem to like to inflict upon me will become ineffective. Nothing that we have done to you warrants the sinful treatment you have subjected us to. We helped you and Elliott out so much and this is how you reward us, with animosity and resentment. You both cannot comprehend that what you are doing is a sin before God and you partake of the Sacrament? My time is short, so you win.

Matthew 15:4


John 13:34

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another

Matt 6:15

But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses

Hannah Smart

The fact you think people aren’t completely aware of EXACTLY how you are is ridiculous. You are so self-obsessed it’s unreal. Not one time have I made Elliott choose between me or you. Every single time you’ve fallen out it’s been me that has encouraged him to reach back out to you. And over the last two years I’ve brought the subject up multiple times, asking whether or not he thinks he should at the very least text his mum. But no. He does not want to. Because thanks to your years and years of abuse he cannot be around his mum. Because of you. It’s literally all you and you don’t even see it. Church is completely irrelevant. Get off your high horse because you were running the church down all over Facebook not that long ago. Stop being a gigantic hypocrite and act like an actual parent.

Derek Smart

How cruel is it to have our grandson baptized in a clandestine baptism without telling his grandparents. What type of person does that? A Hypocrite?

Hannah Smart

Elias didn’t want you there!  It was nothing to do with secrecy! If you even knew the boy you would understand why it was done so quietly  again, take Elias’ day and make it about YOU. Just like you did with Elliott’s birthday. All about you all the time. The most self obsessed person i have ever known and I’m literally not sitting around tolerating you constantly attacking us with your lies on Facebook. You’re acting like the victim again (surprise surprise) on a status that was written by you attacking us!  shape up mun

Derek Smart

None of my children suffered with Social Anxiety Disorder that is commonly caused by an abusive family background of insecurity and fear of “what’s next.” One thing is certain is that Elias’ day was not about me. I did not even know it was happening. What lies do you refer to, empty words again. I am the victim, the victim of your choices. You invited me to be your friend and then instantly attacked me. How can you conclude that I attacked you. That is one of your consummate lies.

Derek’s Comment at the Time

No i do not know him, you kept him from us for three years

Derek’s Comment at the Time

    • Be very careful with your accusations about abuse, I will use it as evidence against you. None of my children have ever been abused. You confuse the church with my personal spirituality. I strive to keep every single commandment, as you should, you just choose not to, which is your right.
    • Hannah Smart
    • yeah go ahead, gaslight me and their experiences. Your just proving my point.

Derek’s Comment at the Time

    • You are so predictable that I am waiting for you to block me when you realize that you are in the wrong
    • Hannah Smart

Derek’s Comment at the Time

    • the amount of introspection and therapy you require is honestly insane.

Derek’s Comment at the Time

    • I have Alzheimer.
    • Hannah Smart
    • for five minutes. I’ve watched my grandfather disappear with his dementia for 2 years. Stop playing the victim. Accept fault!

Derek’s Comment at the Time

    • I do accept fault. it was people like you and Elliott

Derek’s Comment at the Time

    • wow what a conscientious LDS you are Love one another.
    • Hannah Smart
    • Nothing I have said is wrong and I will stand by that til the end of time. The fact that you haven’t actually addressed anything that I have said to you, just goes to show how bad your ego is. You have children that are actually hurting. Children that are in pain when they reflect on everything you’ve put them through, and everything you’ve said to them. Vile vile things. And all you care about is being right. What kind of parent are you? If Elliott ever treated any of my boys, the way you have treated your children he would be straight out of our lives mun. You are right though; you don’t have years and years left. Maybe it’s time you took a minute to self reflect, take some accountability and apologize to the people you have hurt

Derek’s Comment at the Time

  • I have 4 wonderful children, who love me very much and realise that we were children having children. I was not perfect but I am a dam site better then you.
    • Hannah Smart
    • you have children who tolerate you for their mothers sake

Derek’s Comment at the Time

    • Hannah Smart I Don’t

Derek’s Comment at the Time

You are superior at displaying a nasty hurtful mouth

Hannah Smart

thank you very much. Must have been the way I was raised

Derek’s Comment at the Time

Stephen just disagreed with you, oh so did Donny, there you are. you lie again. naughty naughty.

Hannah Smart

yes of course. That’s me in my place  Steven is so blinded by your       narcissism that my heart actually breaks for him.

Derek’s Comment at the Time

No it is not how you were raised I am just more civil than you. You really should consider who is watching this. You have to face these people and me and my wife in the morning.

Hannah Smart

and I will walk around with my head held high thank you sir. It’s about time someone defended themselves against you. And you just don’t like it.

Derek Smart

You know nothing about me or how well liked I am but tell me is that what perspective LDS want to hear from a member of the church who teaches our children. Will people want to leave their children with the likes of you. I think not.

Hannah Smart

and maybe one day they will forgive you when you actually accept and acknowledge the things you’ve done wrong and sincerely apologize for them. I don’t know why you keep hiding behind the church  accept fault mum. You have and are continuing to hurt people while blaming others. Forgiveness isn’t a black and white decision, it’s a process one that you aren’t aiding when you are still continually running your children down all over the internet. Honestly, I’d love nothing more than for everyone to actually sit in a room together and it not be hostile but it’s never going to be until you can take accountability for your actions and try to rectify the pain you’ve caused.

Derek’s Comment at the Time

Would you mind if I cut and paste this to show to the bishop. I do not mind. My words are polit ·

Hannah Smart

still threatening and not addressing your faults then?  be my guest because as it stands I’ve already screenshotted everything to add to what he already has seen. So he will be seeing it all either way. Along with everything else he has already seen.

Derek’s Comment at the Time

That should be fun because there is nothing that belongs to me that is derogatory to me. I have no fear of any screenshot that is connected to me.

Derek’s Comment at the Time

Why not print it right here right now instead of blackmailing me. I have been told so many times of how much of a good father I am and always have been.

Derek’s Comment at the Time

tell me, is the condition that Elias has be contributed to bad parenting like you accused me of. Just saying ·

Hannah Smart

how am I blackmailing you? I’ve already posted the one here of you saying that Steven was going to come up and give Elliott a ‘thrashing’ and that you were cutting him out of his life. In order to blackmail you I would have to want something from you. Other than you stopping your lies I literally want nothing from you

Derek’s Comment at the Time

and i have already adequately answered it

Derek Smart

Hannah Smart

No but you tried to sully my good name with it, didn’t you

Hannah Smart

Hannah Smart

no actually he has chronic separation and social anxiety and dislikes being away from us and around big groups or strangers. Thanks for asking though, that obviously came solely from a place of concern for the child 

Derek’s Comment at the Time

Hannah Smart that tells me exactly what I need to know. Parenting

Derek’s Comment at the Time

word are empty without proof and perspective, sorry do you understand that

Hannah Smart

So is your apology. Oh wait. You’ve never grown up enough to loss the pride and give one

Derek’s Comment at the Time

You would have never heard it as i have never been wrong with you

Hannah Smart 

I don’t want your sorry. But you owe them to Elliott. For the things you’ve made him do and see in his life and The things you’ve said to him.

Derek Smart

That is none of your business and seeing’s you were not around at the time you are assuming it’s authenticity, again! By repeating it here you are perpetuating a lie, I think, because they are empty words that refer to nothing.

Derek Smart

tell me, is the condition that Elias has be contributed to bad parenting like you accused me of. Just saying

Derek’s Comment at the Time

What has been witnessed here is a witch hunt. A witch hunt against someone who is already having to deal with a dire diagnosis. What you see is a tissue of lies without a shred of evidence to prove the so called vile, vile things I subjected my children to, only there are only two of my children who have concocted a story that only they have read, otherwise where is the substance to their claims, indeed, what are their claims, what are these vile, vile things that Hannah claims I have showed them. Kay and I have spoken about this and can conclude that we did the best that anyone could have done to raise our children, trouble only visited our door when they found girls in their lives who domineered them and reprogrammed them. Derek is a carbon copy of the legges ethics and Elliott’s is valley culture. Too big for two OAP to cope with. Let me demonstrate the hypocrisy evolved here. Hannah has tried her utmost to sully my name in a conversation that she started with me in the most hostile manner that she could. Making accusations that she is guilty of herself. Ella’s is claimed to suffer with SAD, as am I. You look up SAD you will see that it is a very spurious ailment that is as hard to diagnose as a backache is. It usually appears as a result of a traumatic event, like poor parenting skills, yet she is here condemning me for my parenting skills when I was just 18. Strange thing is that our parenting skills changed from a world where smacking was condoned to a place where it was frowned upon. Elliott had the very best that we could have offered him both physically and spiritually, which is why he or Hannah cannot stipulate exactly what it is that I had done so monumental that they should look through me and ignore me whenever I try to talk to them. How do you resolve an issue that you do not know exists. Why has he never said anything. Derek would be different. He has done some pretty awful things to Kay and I. Things that may well take more then this life as he has really dishonoured his parents. I am happy to tell that tale to anyone who has an interest, indeed, I am writing a book on it. It is Derek who is edging on Elliott, he told me he would. He said that he would turn Elliott against me as soon as he could get his hands on him. I still have his words on record just in case I got Alzheimer’s one day, I did and they will be going into print ASP. He got married and Derek and Hannah set to work on him. He was an exemplary son to me for all his life, up until then, I loved him so much and did everything I could for him. Derek has pulled the Smart family apart with his poor judgements and incorrect assumptions. But I digress. I cannot close this chapter unless Hannah can tell me what it is so dreadful that I have done to warrant a multiplicity of broken commandments that he is responsible for, including the partaking of the sacrament when he is openly sinning, bit like the improper use of the sacred and holy garments that is so openly flaunted by Hannah. Maybe the Bishop needs to explain that to her. The truth is that I accept that Elliott has erred to the darker side who is far too powerful for me to tackle but my grandchildren still have a chance to be taught the gospel as it should be. I will have to remember, for as long as I can, the amazing times we had together and treat Elliott as the adversary. Hannah, take a look at your post to me. Everything that you accuse me of is what you are yourself, exactly. You will receive a just and fair reward, as will Derek and his family who have all excluded us for no reason other than shame. ·

  • Hannah Smart

who are you talking to? Looking for flying monkeys again? The narcissist, ladies and gentleman  

  • Hannah Smart
  • your son’s wife’s underwear’s seems a little bit of an odd thing to concern yourself with mind doesn’t it  

Derek Smart

only if your thoughts are smutty and judgemental and call Holy Garments Underwear. They are intended to be worn next to the skin with underwear worn on top of them. But you are supposed to know that. Your dress code is inappropriate. 

Elder Hale said “When trying to decide whether a piece of clothing is modest, True to the Faith suggests asking yourself if you would be comfortable wearing it in the Lord’s presence. It also says, “Your clothing expresses who you are. It sends messages about you, and it influences the way you and others act. When you are well groomed and modestly dressed, you can invite the companionship of the Spirit and exercise a good influence on those around you.”

That hardly describes your attire at the time.

Derek Smart

Hannah Smart Not my observation but that of concerned wives.

Derek Smart

I write for myself and no one else. It is therapeutic. Plus, my grandchildren may read this one day, there only chance to hear the truth. I did not realize just how much you are disliked in the Church until today.

  • Hannah Smart

no concern needed. The way I choose to live or not live the gospel is actually none of your business  worry about your own salvation.

Derek Smart

The way in which I raised my children is none of your business. Worry about how you raise your children

  • Hannah Smart

I don’t lie to my children. That’s your party trick. It’s funny that you think that 1. I could possibly believe a single word that falls from your face. And 2. That a single part of me is worried about another person’s opinion of me  you literally cannot hurt me  all you’re doing is proving why we no longer allow you around our family after YOU decided to cut us out and stop Kay from seeing her grandchildren. So, keep chatting your nonsense…

Derek Smart

And yet you concern yourself about how I raised my children decades ago. Oh, can you remember saying that we are not welcome in your home excluding us from our grandchildren and here you say “we no longer allow you around our family.” You cannot look after your own children adequately yet you critique by abilities of raising my children. The word hypocrite comes to mind.

Derek Smart

Where is Elliott in all this. Still no bottle to defend himself?

  • Hannah Smart

Derek Smart why would he need to defend himself if you’re not being abusive? 

  • Hannah Smart

Derek Smart have been asked to ask you to check your message request

Derek Smart I will continue to fight to have the whole truth told to my grandchildren for as long as I have breath in my body.

Derek Smart

You are, of course wrong and will pay for your error in judgement.

Derek Smart

It does not matter whether it was me or not, it wasn’t me, but I would have repented and any sin I committed would have been forgiven of me by God. If you disagree with his doctrine then you will have to take it up with him but I know that I am innocent of everything you charge me with. It is church doctrine that you go against which could render you excommunicated

Derek Smart

I have always been a kind and caring father to Elliott. I do not claim that I should be forgiven, I have been forgiven by God. I would have apologized as a part pf my repentance

Derek Smart

My status as a good person is key and I am a good person because I repent for my sins and express Godly sorrow. Elliott was in need of therapy when he was a child. He was bullied all through his school life because he would not stick up for himself. Nothing to do with me. I think you are building straw men.

Derek Smart

Elliott told us that he wants nothing to do with us until his mum divorces his dad 50 years of happy married life for a spoilt shit and his ego. what my son has turned into like in school he hides behind the teacher. So, who is lying, me or you. I have witnesses who say that is what he said. You are lying. You are a consummate liar.

Derek Smart

It has to be said that none of this is your business. My other three children cannot stand you and hate what you have done to Elliott, their little brotherly.

Yet you continue to speak on their behalf. I was with those three on Saturday for Almas birthday and you are still the but end of their jokes. This is about you and your nasty mouth. You are the troublemaker. We do not want you in our family.

Derek Smart

I am a nice person who loves and cares about his children, I am well liked. Elliott and Derek are gullible to the opposite sex so they try and keep the peace for a happy life. I do not blame them but I wonder if they will ever see 50 years of happy married life, as we have. They is Derek and Elliott. Elliott should not be allowing you to speak to me as you have. Every time I ask you where is Elliott in all of this you ignore me, why? There has never been a divorce in my family because we are decent people, can you say the same, no, because you are sinners who cannot keep the commandments even if you tried, like Munters at the night club being suggestive with people who are not their husbands. You really have no room to talk when your own son would prefer to be with his dad. I want the likes of you blotted out of my family and if Elliott follows your example, I want him blotted out. He is not worth the upset he has brought to our family, enough is enough. You are a Scourge to our family, and so says all of us. You cannot treat the Lords anointed like this and get away with it

Derek Smart

am a nice person who loves and cares about his children, I am well liked. Elliott and Derek are gullible the opposite sex so they try and keep the peace for a happy life. I do not blame them but I wonder if they will ever see 50 years of happy married life, as we have. They is Derek and Elliott. Elliott should not be allowing you to speak to me as you have. Every time I ask you where is Elliott in all of this you ignore me, why? There has never been a divorce in my family because we are decent people, can you say the same, no, because you are sinners who cannot keep the commandments even if you tried, like Munters at the night club being suggestive with people who are not their husbands. You really have no room to talk when your own son would prefer to be with his dad. I want the likes of you blotted out of my family and if Elliott follows your example I want him blotted out. He is not worth the upset he has brought to our family, enough is enough. You are a Scourge to our family, and so says all of us. You cannot treat the Lords anointed like this and get away with it.

Derek Smart

Tell me, does a good person keep the details on his father in laws debit card and then use the card to buy stuff on Amazon. I had to change my bank details and was asked if I wanted to prosecute the person (you) but decided not to for Elliott’s sake. I never got the money back though like money loaned to Elliott to help them buy food etc. You know the person that you condemn on here bailed you out many times. On the day that Elliott fell out with me over nothing I was going to give him £1500 to buy himself a car to take his family around in. I would say that is a good father. Lent him my xar whilst I walked so he could go to work. Given him money on numerous occasions to pay his debts and buy him food. Paid for car parts so that he could fix cars. Such a bad man I have been to Elliott. Nothing on the sins list you accused me of compares to how good I have been to Elliott and he never once thanked me

Derek Smart

No response to that then

Derek Smart

Back to the silent treatment again then. Was it how many times I bailed you out or was it using my debit card without my permission demonstrating that you have condemned me for doing the same things as you are accustomed to do. Hypocrite I believe. It has been a witch hunt that you have lost, hands down.

Derek Smart

Derek Smart ppps. You’re still not addressing the issue. Your answer to all of this is to attack me?  to threaten the security of my children? (Which you will literally have no leg to stand on btw, but sure, go off) stop retaliating and acknowledge the issue. Do better. Be better. Stop being so toxic. Accept you put your child in horrible, unacceptable and illegal positions for your own benefit, feel actual remorse then sincerely apologize. Then maybe stop compiling abusive status’ full of misinformation about your kids.

Derek Smart

I am not attacking, I am playing, having fun with your sadism and telling him to get behind me. I can promise you one thing, start to put this right before you begin to regret it, and you will. This is not about my children, this is all about you and Elliott, my one-time exemplary son. Have you not read the support I am getting on here. Elliott told us that you were a little crazy, but we did not know just how bad you are. Do you know that social services keep records on people who are medicated as you are. Well, they have to to protect the children and make sure they are safe. I came close to doing that with you once because I was frightened that you might hurt them. That would be terrible, wouldn’t it. I want to see my grandchildren and I want my son to stand in front of me, face to face to tell me why he has been lying about me and defaming me. To tell his sibling why he has been complaining about a joke they had with him, mostly Naomi. My kid holds the happiest moments of my life and I enjoyed raising them the best I could. Your posts here threaten that and I will not keep letting you get away with it. You have a hold on Elliott to the point where you will not let him speak for himself. Just shows the hold you have over him. Elliott can take the love and respect that I have for him but my memories of raising him in a superfluous manner will never be taken from me. You will have to pay your debt to God for this. I look forward to witnessing it. But as you say, you do not care what the church thinks about your false doctrine and lack of care for the commandments of God

 Hannah Smart

Derek Smart  gaslighting again I see

Derek Smart


Derek Smart

I didn’t want to but in on your conversation but its someone needs to because both of you are hurting each other and your loved ones at the same time. you both need to stop writing because Elliott and myself is rite in the middle and you both say you love us, I cant feel the spirit when I hear what is going on with you both, you should be bring the family together not tearing it down. We all need each other when we going through this hard time, so can you both think of what you are doing and ask yourself would the lord do this .so im asking you both as a wife,mother,mother inlaw and a nanny to bring the family together. Love you both kay, xx

Derek Smart

Where and when was that, when I was buying you all a Chinese meal or paying for your shopping so that you could put on a little more weight, or maybe it was when I was paying your bills for you or Elliott’s parts so he could earn money to pay for those expensive scriptures that you do not have enough education to read properly you never mention when i took care of all of you do you

  •  · Hannah Smart

Derek Smart oh my days  there is no saving you. You have absolutely LOST it.

  • Hannah Smart

Derek Smart fyi since you love doctrine so much right now I’d recommend studying fully. Not cherry picking to suit you. Honoring your mother and father doesn’t mean to simply obey them with blind obedience like you have always wanted to, but to bring honor to them by living righteously. The commandment is literally to obey righteousness. What was righteous about making him steal and lie for you?

Derek Smart

make sure you send the sound file, but it is probably more of your shit

Derek Smart

Wow, i deleted this immediately. It is satanic and teaches anti doctrine. it teaches the listener not to honor their parents but to rebel against sound doctrine. Why do you come to church when you have stuff like this on your computer. To bring disharmony to the congregation of the church. What are my grandchildren being exposed to?

Derek Smart

That is nothing short of satanic. Kay does not want me to answer you anymore. I am building a minute-by-minute dossier of this conversation. Kay wants me to stop talking to you know as that last message is pure satanic and makes me feel uncomfortable. Get yea behind me Satan.

Derek Smart

Your judging me again when your sins are like crimson. Wherever did you get that interpretation come from. You should honor your mother and father and your days will be long in this land. It is to literal honor your parent, but i would expect you to interpret the scriptures to suit you. I just checked and you are so wrong but what is the point in giving you manor when you cannot chew fat. ·

Derek Smart

Obedience to one’s father and mother teaches children to have a reverence for God and respect for those in authority. It places the responsibility for the moral upbringing of children and their instruction in righteous living, firmly on the shoulders of the father and mother.

When the commandment to honor one’s parents was first given to Israel on Mount Sinai, it not only instructed a child towards obedience, but explained the positive outcome of honoring one’s parents: “That your days may be prolonged in the land which the LORD your God gives you.”

Source: https://dailyverse.knowing-jesus.com/exodus-20-12


What Does Exodus 20:12 Mean?

What Does Exodus 20:12 Mean?

Derek Smart

Yu are sick, go to bed and have the final say on my.

Derek Smart

AVOIDANCE where is Elliott, Freud, night clubs, loans, bailing outs, expensive Scriptures, play make up, , and many, many more , all completely ignored and avoided by you. You need to throw that spade away

Little bit of scripture can answer that one, and you should know it. God looks on sin with the least degree of allowance. Either Elliott is lying to you or you are lying for him, either way it is indefensible because it is an outright lie. Elliott never did anything he did not want todo. He was spoilt. You wish that he were anything like me and he was until you got your hands on him and took him to the darker side. You have convinced him that it is OK to exclude his parents. Probably got that from Derek. Aren’t you getting a little fed up with me exposing who you really are. You used my debit card without my permission and got away with it because I saved your ass and then you hypocritically abuse me of doing what you undeniably did yourself. Just says it all. You cannot even defend yourself.

Derek Smart

Yes you are avoiding it.He blessed Helaman and his other sons, the earth, and the members of the church. And he reaffirmed a fundamental principle about God: “The Lord cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance” (Alma 45:16).

Derek Smart

Hannah Smart you are treading on dangerous ground. Even if that were true, and it is not, I take the sacrament and I repent for my sins, you cannot judge me, that is for God to do. Man, I am on fire here. I always was good on my scriptures. Maybe you should read those expensive scriptures that you stole from your children. Tell me, you do know that frued is a criminal offence, hypocrite.

Derek Smart

Derek Smart

As I thought, silence from the false accuser and hypocrite.

Derek Smart

I am going to use this conversation as evidence of your witch hunt against me when I apply for access to my grandchildren. The truth always prevails and the righteous are always shielded from the abominations of Satan. You know that you have been lying about me so in your best interest admit and repent of your transgressions. I admit that I have great difficulty in using face book because of my Alzheimer’s so I have no idea where I have been posting, I have just been making replies to your post to me. I did not contact you, you contacted me and I have kept a record of that contact. You immediately started to lie about Elliott and our sacred relationship. A person who could barely open her mouth to speak to us whenever we saw you. You schemed and lied about us all and you have only just realized that you have lost the battle. You will be hearing from my solicitor in the none to distant future and this dossier will be sent to the appropriate places. You can stop it by simply allowing us to see our grandchildren. We do not want to see you and if what you have said about Elliott is true, we do not want to see him. IF? Elliott was always a good boy and was always my favorite, so Satan has used the child I was closest to in order to attack me. I will have to deal with that as best as I can. Satan will attack the very elect to win his battle with God and you have been a good student for him. Goodbye Hannah, I wish I could say that I enjoyed the altercation with you but my children are precious to me, even Derek and Tiffany who have been so much worse to us then you and Elliott could ever be, so to be at such a position hurts a lot, but I have just bought a new box of plasters to treat the wrongs you have done, Faith in Christ it

It is a fact that our children will follow the example of there parents. What you have dished out to us will be done to you with your children’s, children. I will not be here to see that but will be watching from on high. It is what you are teaching them, how to exclude there loved ones

I have given hundreds of pounds to church members without them knowing because they had fallen on hard times, sometimes in the shake of a hand and receiving no recognition for it. Do you consider that thinking of myself? You owe me an apology for contacting me under false pretences and then insulting my good name and at the same time bring the name of Smart into disrepute

Hannah Smart I missed this post.

Yes the scriptures does say that, which is why you married my son. Has to be , right.

Not lying or stealing but survival, putting food on the table, which is what I did for you on numerous occasions


My children have never, not once fought among each other. Not one drop of blood was ever spilt between them, which makes you a liar again. How would you ever know if they did. Elliott? He was the youngest.

That one must of been from Derek. He always wanted to be the centre of attention. Take a look at how tight our family were at Naomi’s wedding or when we took them on a road trip across America. The only one who is now enemies with most of his siblings is Elliott and Derek. All the rest are as close as they have always been.

I rarely fell out with any of my kids, they all loved me you see.

I tell you what the scriptures say. Love one another, forgive those who transgress against you, honour your mother and your father, judge not least thou be judged yourself, beware of the hypocrite, among many of such the like.

This was about your moral standards and how narcissistic you have acted. You refused to forgive, even though we did nothing to be forgiven of. You excluded two old and frail parents without a care. Oh, I have six children and never slagged them off. I just used Facebook to vent my frustration of how cruel they have been to there parents who raised them all in the Gospel with good sound morals.

You do not want me in your life because I know the scriptures and how you change them to suit you.

I have never heard of gas lighting and niether has anybody else I have asked. Is it something that you made up or is it from the words of a spurious song.

You never informed me of anything to my face. You would rarely speak to us. You never once informed me of anything untoward with Elliott. I know you hated that we made up but you never spoke to us about anything sensible.

I believe that someone disagrees with you. GOD.

Contention is not of me, sayeth the Lord, but is of the Devil, who tries to turn men against each other, one to another.

It is all in those posh scriptures that you bought. £500 I believe.

In order for you to help me I have to need your help. I do not and hopefully will never find myself in that position. So good, leave me alone

Early on

I am so fascinated by photography and it’s capability to bring your imagination to amazing places. Early on, I fell in love with the idea of filming my own productions, so I set out to learn everything I could.


I have been teaching myself filmmaking for the past four and a half years and I’m still learning every day. I am building my business as a freelance filmmaker, as well as working on my own photo shoots.