Hannah Complains Again

Hannah Complains Again

Hannah Smart You picked on me and questioned my abilities as a parent. The most sacred responsibility in this world. Kay and I dedicated our lives to raising our children. Everything else came secondary to us and the took priority of our lives. We ate, slept, and drunk children. Everything we did was about them and we always took second place to them. Elliott was my very best friend and my world revolved around him. Then, a couple years with you, and he hated me. Whenever he was in trouble I bailed him out because I loved him. I walked to where ever I needed to go because I loaned him my car so he could go to work. I gave him money when he could not feed his family. I paid for his car parts, got rid of his waste oil and I was always an ear for him to listen to. He obviously moaned to you about insignificances like not giving him my Chinese or asking him to loan me much needed money and you took the baton from him and ran with it without looking at what you had in your hand. You then lured me into a false sense of security and, knowing how much we love our grandchildren and wanted to see them, you asked me to be your friend on Facebook. I, of course, accepted your bait because Kay was hurting and needed to see her grandchildren. Instead of reconciliation you attacked me for my role as a father. Something that is none of your business. It was before your time. You then solicited your friends and family to bully me into submission on Facebook. You influenced my other children with your disrespect to a sick OAP in his final years. Years that should have been filled with his grandchildren, and tried to take away my pride in raising good, clever, healthy, happy, respectful and Godly children. You did this. And why? What did I do to warrant your wrath against me. What did I do or say to make you click on the friends request and attack me for not being the father you never had. Who gave you that right. Did the Spirit whisper it in your ear telling you to contend with me. This whole scenario is a result of your choices. Nothing I did should have made you do what you did. Then, to top it all off, you cruelly and callously took our grandchildren from us without a care or any remorse. Sue called you a good Christian Lady. Would she have said that if she knew what you did to us. Would the Shoreland’s or Massey’s have condoned you baptising our grandson without telling us if they really knew the cruelty you inflicted on us. Would John Shoreland have believed Elliott saying I do not need a wheelchair and then literally growl at me, like a wolf, when he thought he caught me in Tesco without my wheelchair. I was on my way out after using their electric chair. Assumption without evidence is just here say. Who would agree with you and Elliott not congratulating us on 50 stupendous years of marriage or my best friend, my son, Elliott, not being there when I was in hospital dying of Salmonella Poisoning. Can you see why I think you are unwittingly serving Satan to get at me to prevent me from doing the essential work that God needed me to do. All this contention came from you. There is nothing positive in all these things, like buying you a Chinese out of the blue or giving you a £20 note in Lidl. You have been the ringmaster and I must keep going with my agenda to do what the Lord wants me to do. Job had no family left but still he had faith in God. Until you rescind you false accusations against me I cannot stop, all the time there is breath in my body. It is my duty and responsibility, as a son of God and a Father to Elliott You asked so you must have expect one of my long essay’s, as you call them. I believe in God and in his Son Jesus Christ. I do my very best to keep His commandments. Even after all that you have done, Kay and I still love you as a daughter of God but we can clearly see, with all these negative acts that you have perpetrated against us, that you are serving Satan and cannot even see it. I am the voice of Kay and I. Kay hates contention which is why you never hear her defending us.A tenacious, loving and energetic photographer who enjoys grabbing her camera and running out to take some photos.

Hannah Smart You picked on me and questioned my abilities as a parent. The most sacred responsibility in this world. Kay and I dedicated our lives to raising our children. Everything else came secondary to us and the took priority of our lives. We ate, slept, and drunk children. Everything we did was about them and we always took second place to them. Elliott was my very best friend and my world revolved around him. Then, a couple years with you, and he hated me. Whenever he was in trouble I bailed him out because I loved him. I walked to where ever I needed to go because I loaned him my car so he could go to work. I gave him money when he could not feed his family. I paid for his car parts, got rid of his waste oil and I was always an ear for him to listen to. He obviously moaned to you about insignificances like not giving him my Chinese or asking him to loan me much needed money and you took the baton from him and ran with it without looking at what you had in your hand. You then lured me into a false sense of security and, knowing how much we love our grandchildren and wanted to see them, you asked me to be your friend on Facebook. I, of course, accepted your bait because Kay was hurting and needed to see her grandchildren. Instead of reconciliation you attacked me for my role as a father. Something that is none of your business. It was before your time. You then solicited your friends and family to bully me into submission on Facebook. You influenced my other children with your disrespect to a sick OAP in his final years. Years that should have been filled with his grandchildren, and tried to take away my pride in raising good, clever, healthy, happy, respectful and Godly children. You did this. And why? What did I do to warrant your wrath against me. What did I do or say to make you click on the friends request and attack me for not being the father you never had. Who gave you that right. Did the Spirit whisper it in your ear telling you to contend with me. This whole scenario is a result of your choices. Nothing I did should have made you do what you did. Then, to top it all off, you cruelly and callously took our grandchildren from us without a care or any remorse. Sue called you a good Christian Lady. Would she have said that if she knew what you did to us. Would the Shoreland’s or Massey’s have condoned you baptising our grandson without telling us if they really knew the cruelty you inflicted on us. Would John Shoreland have believed Elliott saying I do not need a wheelchair and then literally growl at me, like a wolf, when he thought he caught me in Tesco without my wheelchair. I was on my way out after using their electric chair. Assumption without evidence is just here say. Who would agree with you and Elliott not congratulating us on 50 stupendous years of marriage or my best friend, my son, Elliott, not being there when I was in hospital dying of Salmonella Poisoning. Can you see why I think you are unwittingly serving Satan to get at me to prevent me from doing the essential work that God needed me to do. All this contention came from you. There is nothing positive in all these things, like buying you a Chinese out of the blue or giving you a £20 note in Lidl. You have been the ringmaster and I must keep going with my agenda to do what the Lord wants me to do. Job had no family left but still he had faith in God. Until you rescind you false accusations against me I cannot stop, all the time there is breath in my body. It is my duty and responsibility, as a son of God and a Father to Elliott You asked so you must have expect one of my long essay’s, as you call them. I believe in God and in his Son Jesus Christ. I do my very best to keep His commandments. Even after all that you have done, Kay and I still love you as a daughter of God but we can clearly see, with all these negative acts that you have perpetrated against us, that you are serving Satan and cannot even see it. I am the voice of Kay and I. Kay hates contention which is why you never hear her defending us.

Early on

I am so fascinated by photography and it’s capability to bring your imagination to amazing places. Early on, I fell in love with the idea of filming my own productions, so I set out to learn everything I could.


I have been teaching myself filmmaking for the past four and a half years and I’m still learning every day. I am building my business as a freelance filmmaker, as well as working on my own photo shoots.